Orthodontic Emergencies



Orthodontic emergencies are rare, but they happen – and our team is here for you if you experience one. Our goal is to see you as soon as possible, so we can remedy the situation and continue your journey to a beautiful new smile.

Fortunately, most situations can be resolved with orthodontic wax and a visit to our office.

What is considered an orthodontic emergency?

  • Archwire pops out of place
  • Loose or broken braces bracket
  • Soreness due to poking wires or metal pieces
  • Broken or misplaced appliance
  • Lost, cracked, or broken clear aligners
  • Tooth pain or soreness

If you experience a true emergency that is not a common orthodontic emergency, we urge you to contact us ASAP. One of our doctors will be sure to set up a time for an emergency orthodontic appointment!

How to Handle an Orthodontic Emergency

If you experience one of these situations, call or text us as soon as possible, and we’ll schedule an emergency orthodontic appointment. We want to get you taken care of as soon as possible because your health and comfort are our top priorities.

We have an assistant on call 24/7 to handle our patients’ after-hours needs! 

Just call our office at (941) 257-2000, and you’ll be prompted to follow instructions for an emergency.

In the meantime, we have tips to make you more comfortable until you can visit us.

Actual Patient